Rasoul Salehi

True Ouddict

Rasoul Salehi

True Ouddict
Where did you get these from?
All over. I bought wide and far. Top to bottom. To see it all. To get a good sense of the market of the world of it. From kyarazen to other trusted but pricy Singapore traders to private Chinese collectors to Arab houses to joe blow on Facebook to John smith on Instagram ....

But all that work risk and many dollars wasted has given me something much more profound. A birds eye view of the scene.

Rasoul Salehi

True Ouddict
Ant hole wild hindi via zakir. Brunei microcarpa half sink or full sink parts to large piece. Old brittle sugary Nha trang, kelantan tripple super .... Koh Kong old growth baby king to basic incense grade wild vs cultivated Vietnam. Or basic trat each piece teaches me something and in its own way and own right capable of providing pleasure. We must remember that. To find pleasure even in simple(er) things


The first blue oil i saw was from Sumatra pictured below some years ago, also i think @Taha syed ascent started off blue then changed. @Faizal_p would you say the colour is due to the copper pot, wood species or both? Or something else?

View attachment 3367
Yes, from my experience the only blue oud that stays blue after few years is from Sumatra, most other blue or green keep this colors only shortly after distillation than turn the usual oud collor.


Lol sorry I confused some people, yes it is Sri Lankan and sort of meaning the Ceylon Royale 2 did have some blue component but we combined the fractions.
We're cooking another one and will try to maintain the blue colour, it's looking good so far.
The reason I believe some oil is blue is due to Guaiazulene. I've seen it in Sumatran wood and now twice in Sri Lankan