
Oud Fan
Summer Blessings and I hope you are having a good weekend Ouddict.

I am excited to announce a special for Eid - all products will be discounted at 10% for the period of July 17 - July 25.

International shipping costs still apply, so please DM me to figure out what that may be. Please also check your local laws and regulations to make sure your essential oil may arrive safely.

Feel free to send me a message if anything from the Ward Lab catalog may catch your attention or if you have any questions.

Have a safe & healthy weekend full of love and happiness 🌸


Oud Beginner
I must share that thanks to Ward Lab I've been blissed out on a rose bender for the last few weeks and it has been Divine. The subtle nuances of the different regions of Ward Lab's Ta'if roses (along with ASO's Ward Al-Ta'ifi '20) have been a much appreciated education for me. Next to these top tier Taif's, Nangarhar rose holds it own beauty as well. I feel very fortunate to have found these gems and I look forward to all that comes from Ward Lab in the future.


Oud Fan
I must share that thanks to Ward Lab I've been blissed out on a rose bender for the last few weeks and it has been Divine.

Thank you for the kind words April! What did you think of the Al Shafa batch in your opinion compared to the others?

I find myself on a rose bender almost every day - I must watch myself or I may get high off my entire supply! 😂


Oud Beginner
The Al Shafa batch is gorgeous! It is smoother, more rounded, and a shade deeper than the Al Hada batch (which I also love!). Al Hada is a bit sharper, brighter, more green. I really like the Maysaan batch too, it is softer and a touch sweeter. I find myself reaching for Maysaan at night, to me it is calming and relaxing. Truly they are all beautiful, and I whichever one I'm wearing at the moment I think "this one is my favorite", until the next day when I'm wearing a different one and I have the same thought about that one, lol. I can understand completely how you'd get high on your supply, I don't think I could stop myself if I were in your shoes! Thank you for sharing this beauty with the world, I am so grateful to have these. 🌹
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